First Collective Intelligence System of its kind.
Conversational Game Theory (CGT) is a novel conversational game and computational system with a computer interface designed to foster collaborative consensus-building around community content creation while filtering misinformation, misunderstanding, and toxicity. The system can accomplish what was previously not thought possible, allowing multiple and distinct perspectives to both “win” in decision making power and reach a consensus without relying on a voting algorithm.
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Systems1: Conversational Game Theory, a consensus building game
Collective Intelligence
Conversational Game Theory (CGT) is a novel framework for collaborative and collective intelligence. CGT integrates cognitive, computational, and psychological systems into a seamless meta-system designed to foster conflict resolution, productive disagreement, and win-win outcomes.
Through recursive feedback loops and mechanism design favoring collaboration, CGT aligns individual cognition with group interaction to create emergent consensus. A defining feature of CGT is its ability to produce actionable, publishable artifacts—such as articles, contracts, laws, and news reports—ensuring collaborative conversations translate into real-world impact.
Prototypes and Demonstrations
Demonstration or participation in our prototype is currently by invitation only.
In March of 2024, we released our first prototype for the computational system (9×3 Narrative Logic Processing), a foundational layer (Systems 1) in stealth mode on
You can read about our proof of work here.
We demonstrated human to human, human to AI, and AI to AI consensus building anchored by 9x3 Narrative Logic Processing, which comprise Systems 1 and Systems 2 of Conversational Game Theory as a complete system for collective intelligence.
Since 2021, we have given hundreds of small demonstrations, human to human, where those curious can attempt to game the system to force a negative outcome. Since then we have received endorsements from cognitive and computer scientists, lawyers and teenagers.
If you would like a one on one demonstration or would like to repeat our steps, please contact us.
White papers
Achieving Dynamic Equilibrium in Conversational Game Theory with Paraconsistency and Emergent Narrative Structure: A Formal Framework of 9x3 NLP
This paper introduces a formal framework for Conversational Game Theory (CGT), a multi-agent paradigm integrating computational, cognitive, and psychological dimensions to achieve dynamic equilibrium in complex dialogues.
As a content management system for community consensus publication, this means that CGT publishes content through a type of game that turns conflict into a “win-win” editing sport.
CGT defines equilibrium as a state where no participant can unilaterally improve their conversational utility—balancing contradiction resolution, logical coherence, and emotional satisfaction—without incurring trade-offs.
By leveraging a structured computational backbone, a paraconsistent cognitive framework grounded in a ternary logic (0, 1, 2), psychological engagement modeling, and a reward mechanism that incentivizes collaborative contributions, CGT provides a robust and scalable approach for guiding multi-agent interactions toward stable, constructive, and evolving outcomes.
Conversations culminate in “compositions,” published under “Contextual Completeness,” contributing to the Global Resolution, Alignment, and Inquiry Library (GRAIL).
Systems 2: Agentic Training
Conversational Game Theory (CGT) Systems 2 are unique customizations of 9x3 Narrative Logic Processing, allowing any individual or group the ability to build on top of CGT and train their own "Intelligence Agent" on their unique perspective, allowing interaction with all other agents on the web and participation in the Global Library of Consensus.
Symbiquity (sim-BIK-wi-tee) refers to the even distribution of environmental cognitive awareness across all perspectives, independent of language or culture. It posits that there exists a common field of cognitive intelligence—emergent—through which every perspective can access, interpret, and agree upon fundamental truths embedded in the environment.
Etymology: A neologism combining elements from symbiosis (mutually beneficial interaction) and ubiquity (the state of being everywhere), intended to describe cognitive alignment with the natural environment.
Function: Allows for collective intelligence to play Conversational Game Theory and resolve contradiction through multiple perspective re-iteration.